Human Capital Development

Human Capital Development

Key Performance in 2023


Average training hours


Average training cost

Position openings internally fulfilled

Employees incorporated into the Individual Development Plan (IDP) received training according to plans

Employees at all levels completed the “Enterprise development for sustainability (ESG)” course through the E-Learning system

Employees at all levels completed the “Supporting Climate Change with the 7 Go Green Strategy” environmental course through the E-Learning system


Employees have completed the “Digital Mindset & Digital Literacy” strategy course”

Key Progress in 2023

Organized training and online knowledge assessment via “Supporting climate change with the 7 Go Green strategy” environmental course through the E-Learning system

Organized training and online knowledge assessment via “Intermediate Digital Capability Development” course for staff level employees to the administrative level at the office to increase the level of Digital Literacy to Intermediate

Organized Digital Literacy training and assessments for Advanced level, which includes Data Analytic Skills, Automation Skills, and Digital Marketing Skills

Organized training courses “Own sales manager” and the “Custom-made shop charm” course to support the Company's O2O strategy

Significantly Affected Key Stakeholders

Supporting the SDGs

SDG 4 Ensure all persons have inclusive and equal access to quality education and support life-long learning opportunities

4.4 Increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs, and entrepreneurship

SDG 5 Achieve gender equality and empower women and girls

5.5 Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making

SDG 8 Achieve gender equality aPromote sustained, inclusive, and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment, and decent work for allnd empower women and girls

8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, Technological-upgrading, and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors

Performance Against Goal

2030 Goal

All leaders and employees will be involved in the learning process and activities on sustainability annually

Progress against goals

Performance Summary 2023

Average hours of training and employee development

Total Average hours per FTE

Breakdown by Age group

Breakdown by Gender

Breakdown by Management level

Breakdown by Nationalith

Breakdown by the type of training

Average amount spent per FTE on training and development

Total employees participating in the leaders development training according to the action learning path

Human Capital Return on Investment

Employee Engagement

Overview score


By Gender

By Age

By Level

Risks and Opportunities

The success of an organization within the business world depends on the quality of its personnel, a significant resource which drives the organization’s operation through stability and sustainability. Therefore, non-discrimination, equality promotion, and the development of leadership and knowledge for personnel within the organization will assist with raising personnel capacity at all levels. Through developing potential and supporting necessary skills and knowledge in new tools and technology literacy, employees are prepared to cope and operate in an era of economic, social, and environmental fluctuations. In retaining employees to work alongside the organization sustainably and effectively managing employee expectations, digital platforms play an ever-increasing role. However, if the organization has an ineffective personnel development process, issues concerning human rights violations, including discriminations based on race, gender, religion, age, women receiving lower wages than men, etc. may persist. Therefore, the organization should establish capacity development plans and create tools to analyze personnel potential and needs. This effort to increase employee potential through analyzing necessary skills at all levels supports participation and creates well-being for employees and ultimately sustainable organizational growth into the future.

Management Approach

The Company realizes the importance of developing the capacity of employees at all levels and therefore aims to develop organizational human resource management processes under the concept "work succeeds, people are happy" throughout their professional life with the organization. Additionally, a strategic framework for human capital development through various skills development programs are dedicated to business alliance groups, Store Business Partners, and Sub Area stores. The various professional skills mentioned include uplift skills, organizational sustainability, personal data protection law, data analysis and digital literacy through learning methods according to the 70:20:10 model, where 70 is learning through real experiences including On the Job Training (OJT) and Project Assignments, etc., 20 is learning through coaching and mentoring and 10 is learning through various training course formats including Virtual Training, E-Learning, etc. The blended learning model, where online learning is combined with classroom learning, develops employee skills required for respective jobs and capabilities to promptly adapt to emergencies, crisis, future changes, and assists with business operation progression.

Sustainable development framework for personnel skills and career opportunities

The Company realizes the significance of developing personnel skills and knowledge within the organization. Therefore, executives and employees at all levels are encouraged to revise novel working methods through training programs which provide a variety of knowledge and a learning conducive atmosphere to encourage development.

Course structure categorized according to work discipline

In raising work performance and instilling an organizational learning culture, significant actions in 2023 included the following:

Productivity Improvement continuation program

The Company encourages employees to advance work processes through integration of technology which increases personnel operational potential. A senior executive tasked with providing advice and elaborating various implementation techniques, including project progress and results monitoring, promotes the goal of continuous learning and collective development to increase the potential of executives and employees at all levels. The Company envisions this measure to increase capabilities for the delivery of quality products and services to customers and organizational management cost reduction through instilling awareness, concepts, attitudes, and hands-on learning processes (Active Learning). Participating employees gained the opportunity to practice analyzing, synthesizing, and exchanging opinions, in addition to Cross Functional Team and TK (Tanpin Kanri) improvement experience. The mentioned small group improvement focused on improving minute aspects to raise work efficiency level in line with the organization's NEXTSS strategy and promoted a culture of autonomous work improvement according to “4 Additions 1 Controls”.

Impact and Benefits for employees

of FTEs participating in the program productivity


Reduce working hours

Impact and Benefits for the organization

Process efficiency increased


Total value from improvements


Increased income


Reduced cost

Increase sales

Increase income

Increase profits

Increase productivity

Control costs

“Own sales manager” course a strategy for O2O

The Company organizes "Own sales manager" online training courses to develop operations and service skills of 7-Eleven store employees in response to customer behaviors and digital age changes. The training courses, which provide employees with knowledge and comprehension of product sales processes in addition to technological literacy of tools to offer respective products and services, includes an assessment to measure sales skills according to standards. The training has been divided into 6 products: 7-Eleven Delivery, ALL Online, TRUE, Coffee, Bakery and Food. In addition, processes have been implemented to raise "Own sales manager" to "Skilled own sales manager" through rapid business expansion support to increase sales. This approach encouraging employees to self-study content and receive evaluation for the 3 products: TRUE, ALL Online, Food & Beverage.

Impact and Benefits for employees

of FTEs participating in the program productivity


Employees who passed the competency assessment from “Able Seller Entrepreneurs” to “Skilled Seller Entrepreneurs”

Impact and Benefits for the organization

Employees participated in skills and techniques development in product management and passed competency assessments for "Able Seller Entrepreneurs" and "Skilled Seller Entrepreneurs." These employees have achieved an average daily sales growth per store

“Custom-made shop charm” a strategy for O2O

The Company project “Custom-made shop charm” encourage Assistant District Managers (FC) and store managers to tailor-make their own shops in response to customer behavior and requirements dependent upon store location. Through the tailoring concept, shops become charming though shop charm, product charm, people charm, and system charm to increase customer satisfaction and generate continuous increases in sales. The Company therefore offers the “Custom-made shop charm” course to assistant district managers (FC) and store managers to develop professional skills, knowledge, and techniques for operations (Hard Side) utilizing the Store Assortment principles. The concept emphasizes data analysis to appreciate customer behaviors and needs, develop comprehension of collective human habitation (Soft Side), focus on ideas (Mindset), utilize Signature Service framework as the main principle, application to the store’s model, and Action Learning to establish responsible custom-made shop charms.

Impact and Benefits for employees


Employees who have been trained and have skills according to the criteria. "Custom- Made Shop Charm" numbering over

Impact and Benefits for the organization


Create average sales per store per day, growing

Talent Management

A critical factor in developing efficiency and continuity within organizational business operations is organizational personnel potential. In recognizing the significance of developing personnel potential, the Company established guidelines and processes for managing and developing employees with high potential on a continuous basis though potential assessment, Individual Development Plans (IDP), and designated development projects for specific groups. The 70:20:10 learning and development model was used to promote advancements and reduce barriers to career growth.

Learn by hands-on practice

Syllabus content for developing the Talent Pool group and the CP Leadership Institute (CPLI) divides into the following 4 category levels:

Senior Leaders Development Program

Focusing on upgrading and developing CP ALL Group and the Charoen Pokphand Group

Leaders Development Program

Developing operational-level leaders focusing on work process reform

Potential Leaders Development Program

Developing a new generation of leaders, focusing on business development

Future Leaders Development Program

For new generation employees

Learn and develop from surroundings with people from different roles


Direct supervisors



Specialized experts

In addition to direct teaching from supervisors, the Company encourages senior executives to participate in providing advice through various media formats including articles and videos, etc.

Learning and development through training processes

The Company promotes learning via virtual format (Virtual Training) both within and outside the organization and through online system self-studies.

Personnel Readiness Development for Transition to Digital Platform Era

Employee Digital Mindset & Digital Literacy Development continuation project

The Company highlights the importance of continuously developing employees' digital literacy abilities and thereby elevates office employee digital skills to the Intermediate level through the “Intermediate Digital Capability Development” course with skills assessment. Further developments in raising skill level from Intermediate to Advanced entails assessment of important skills as follows:

  • Data Analytic Skill through organizing the Data Analytic Upskilling for Business Strategy course where personnel learn Advanced Excel, which includes data preparation and analysis utilizing statistical principles, and visualizations
  • Automation Skill through organizing the “Improving work processes with Power App & Power Automate" course to increase technology literacy through hands-on learning (Action Learning)
  • Digital Marketing Skill through organizing the “Advanced Digital Marketing Program” course. To be able to apply the Digital Marketing Concept and Framework to create interesting digital marketing

Impact and Benefits


A total of participated in the training

Passed measurement and evaluation


Number of projects developed through digital tools processing


Number of projects developed though digital tools processing implemented into practice

Personnel sustainability development

The Company focuses on organizational development through promoting communication and educating employees at all levels, risk and opportunities response preparations, and business operation growth in a steady and sustainable manner. In 2023, the Company provided knowledge through the E-Learning system and organize knowledge level tests to assess guidelines understanding after training. 10% of employees at all levels have passed the training.

Critical sustainability knowledge in 2023

Good Governance and Anti-Corruption

Cyber Security Awareness

Personal information protection awareness

Human rights within the business sector

Climate change response

Holistic Development

The Company promotes awareness raising among employees at all levels in the organization and emphasizes Holistic Life development through balanced physical and mental health throughout professional life with the organization. The CP ALL Holistic Development Model concept focuses on employee creation of holistic balance composed of balancing physical health, mental health, social relationships, spiritual aspects, financial aspects, and career building, etc.

In 2023, the Holistic Development course aims to strengthen each life skill dimension in a holistic and balanced way. The course provides knowledge and work motivation for employees, cultivates positive attitude and techniques to create happiness, and designs life developments through various training continuously. The mentioned training includes job creation, career creation, Happy Money & Happy Life, Ikigai, seeds of happiness cultivation and life value.

The Company simultaneously realizes the significance of employee care and retirement preparation through organizing training courses which provide relevant and necessary knowledge for employees of each age group to ensure appropriate retirement transition. This ensures the ability for adaptation to post-Company life, mind adjustments, and happy and normal living within society through the retirement life design course.

Impact and Benefits


Number of employees participating in the training

Overall satisfaction in 2O23

Type of Performance Appraisal

The Company organizes systematic performance evaluation criteria, both quantitative and qualitative, under the same standards to evaluate overall organizational success. The evaluation could improve the management style of employees at all levels and achieve organizational goals in addition to doubling as a channel for communication and feedback within the ALL Perform Plus system for employee development. In 2O23, employees received annual performance evaluations through various formats as follows:

Appraisal Type frequency % of Evaluated Employees
Management by objectives Quarterly
Multidimensional performance appraisal Quarterly

In addition, the Company realizes that the promotion and development of employee potential to the highest quality and efficiency would benefit from operational guidelines, regular two-way conversations to provide opportunities for employees to participate in setting work goals, and teamwork promotion to increase success through performance evaluations in the following format.

Appraisal Type frequency % of Evaluated Employees
Team-based appraisal with focus on collective team-based operations given individual diversities, the overall team goals are determined and communicated to individual team members for joint consideration of individual employee goals and responsibilities in an approach to satisfy goals through the ALL Perform system Quarterly
Agile conversations Employees and supervisors discuss performance and plan career growth through evaluating well performed operations, operations which should be improved, new issue requiring action and issues which should be terminated to drive team success, business success and employee career growth Ongoing

The Company has improved and increased employee performance evaluation efficiency to satisfy standards of the entire CP ALL Group under the ALL Perform system through collecting performance management and evaluation data in various forms. The data is integrated into a single system which includes quarterly performance evaluations, probationary evaluations, one-year assessments and potential assessments in a 360-degree format, which facilitates easier access to various assessments for all employee groups.

Employee engagement assessment

CP All understands that happy and engaged employees are a key force in making a difference and driving the organization towards sustainable success and growth. The company therefore values the opinions and suggestions of all employees and encourages them to participate in a survey to measure employee engagement, satisfaction, and well-being. The survey, which consists of 37 question engagement survey in the form of closed-ended and open-ended questions, aims to gauge employee engagement in driving the organization forward and identify areas for improvement as follows:

Job satisfaction

--- Sample questions ---

"I have performed work that matches my abilities and my experience"
"I am proud of the success of the work I did"


--- Sample questions ---

"Determining the future direction of senior management makes me feel enthusiastic and want to contribute to the success of the company"


--- Sample questions ---

"I am happy to be a part of this company"

In 2023, the Company surveyed employee engagement and survey analysis was conducted by Dosetech Co,.ltd. The results were compared against 2022 performance to determine the various projects where performance was satisfactory and where further development is needed. To satisfy employee needs, establish strategies, and establish guidelines to enhance engagement between senior executives and each operations line representative, reviews are conducted to increase organization-wide employee participation and ultimately enable the organization to achieve stated goals.

Employee Engagement Enhancement Approach


Establish a CP ALL Group engagement committee
Establish a CP ALL Group engagement committee


HRBP collaborates with field representatives to analyze, plan, implement, monitor, and improve plans to enhance engagement level by prioritizing important improvement areas


Survey employee engagement towards the Company


Report employee engagement towards the Company

By creating involvement with line-level executives in the operation to raise the level of employee engagement as follows:


Appointment of managers with comprehension and capability to instill other supervisors to establish suitable engagement activities


Monitor development of engagement on a regular basis to provide recommendations for engagement enhancements


Create an environment for executives and employees to adopt Harmony (5-7-11) as a means to increase happiness and joint operations success

In addition, CP All places a strong emphasis on understanding the factors that contribute to employee stress. The findings from these studies will enable the company to better address employee concerns, leading to increased employee happiness, engagement, and loyalty to the organization. To achieve this, the company has implemented the "Happiness and Stress Measurement" program, which aims to assess stress levels, identify stress triggers, and develop strategies to reduce employee stress, boost morale, and enhance job satisfaction. This initiative aligns with the company's philosophy, "We strive for smiles from customers, driven by a happy workforce." The program utilizes a combination of closed-ended and open-ended questions to gather insights into the factors that contribute to employee stress, as follows:

Drgree of hapiness

--- Sample questions ---

"On a scale of 1 to 5 , how would you rate your happiness level?"

Degree of stress

--- Sample questions ---

"On a scale of 1 to 5 , how would you rate your happiness level?"

Stressors of stress factors

--- Sample questions ---

"What are you most stressed about?
- Work
- Personal Issues: (Money, Family, Health, Other issues)"

The company analyzes the collected data to identify strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for improving employee engagement within the organization. This leads to the development of strategies and plans for projects related to the work environment for employees, stress management for employees, and the development of human resource care and retention policies. These initiatives aim to attract, retain, and develop high-potential employees to contribute to business outcomes, which can increase productivity, improve customer satisfaction, and help employees grow and be engaged with the organization.

Evaluate happiness and stress process

Long-Term Incentives (LTIs)

The company has designed an effective long-term incentive program which provides cash incentive variable compensation that is tied to the performance of an employee. The performance can be measured during one or multiple years with the aim of attracting and retaining talented and high-performing executives and employees to continue working with the company in the long term. It also helps employees feel more ownership of the company and motivates them to work hard to achieve the company's goals.

In 2021, the company has set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and targets linked to the payment of special bonuses to strike a balance between business success and sustainability (ESG), as shown in the table.

Corporate KPIs success metrics liked to the Long-Term Incentive for Employees

Type Dimension KPI
Business Performance Profitability Return on Asset (ROA)
Return on Equity (ROE)
Sustainability Performance Environmental Energy Efficiency (Reduction) -25% vs BAU* by 2030
Renewable Energy portion 25% of total Energy Consumption by 2030
Social Stakeholder Engagement >80% by 2030
Governance The Company’s corporate governance rating is at excellence
(by an internationally recognized institute)
*BAU = Business as Usual

To ensure the company's long-term goals and strategy are achieved, starting from the baseline year of 2021, the company has deployed a long-term incentive program for employees who perform towards corporate achievements within a 5-year period. This is a key milestone towards achievements of corporate business and sustainability targets. The program involves annual monitoring and evaluation of employee performance and progress against these targets. The operational targets are individually tailored for each operation to ensure alignment with our principal company-wide targets, and each operation has assigned levels of achievement against the specific goals to the task force.

The average coefficient of special bonuses related to performance-based compensation for employees below the senior management level varies between 0% and 180%, depending on the company's performance, such as sales, number of branches, customer satisfaction, employee engagement, corporate image, and the level of achievement against the long-term goals set by the company.

Employees below the senior management level (from department manager or equivalent to general manager or equivalent) participate in the long-term incentive program at a rate of 10%.

Employee Retirement Plan Project

Transition assistance programs are provided to facilitate continued employability and the management of career endings resulting from retirement. The mentioned programs include financial benefits and welfare benefits for medical expense provisions, establishment of a retirement club, options for employees to become 7-Eleven store owners or be hired as a Company consultant. In 2022, 7 employees were hired as consultants after retirement.

Impacts and Benefits


Project participants


Continuous employment

Other Information

Human Capital Return on Investment (HCROI)

  Unit 2020 2021 2022 2023
a) Total Revenue THB 546,589,995,663 587,529,718,793 852,605,218,842 921,187,099,370
b) Total Operating Expences  THB 107,858,197,880 116,866,861,572 165,413,878,985 179,911,512,903
c) Total Employee-Related Expenses (Salaries+Benefits) THB 37,088,000,000 41,841,000,000 61,862,000,000 68,328,000,000
Resulting HCROI Equal 12.83 12.25 12.11 11.85

Other Information

GRI Standard Required Data Unit 2019
Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
404-1 Training and education    
  - Average hours of training Hours/Person/year 20.51 23.84 22.18 17.35 20.47 18.91 18.25 21.96 20.11 30.03 30.29 30.20
- Average hours of training Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 31.25 32.79 32.23
  By Age    
  - Under 30 years old Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 29.29 29.99 29.74
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 30.68 32.81 32.03
- 30-50 years old Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 33.33 33.97 33.71
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 34.35 39.71 39.24
- Over 50 years old Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 35.37 35.27 35.31
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 35.99 35.67 35.79
  By Nationality    
  - Thai Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 30.60 30.56 30.57
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 32.03 33.19 32.77
- Cambodian Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 11.15 11.09 11.12
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.78 10.50 9.92
- Burmese Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10.98 11.64 11.33
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.64 10.55 10.11
- Indian Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.13 9.00 4.51
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4.13 9.00 4.51
- Austrian Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 68.50 3.50 46.83
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 68.50 3.50 46.83
- Korean Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.00 0.00 9.00
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 9.00 0.00 9.00
- Other Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25.67 0.00 25.67
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 25.67 0.00 25.67
  By function    
  - Operations (production department, sales) Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 27.35 26.83 26.93
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 28.44 28.18 28.22
- Transport and distribution Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.05 6.81 7.57
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 8.08 7.02 7.69
- Office Hours/Person/year N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 87.54 76.70 80.36
Hours/FTE N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 87.86 77.49 80.95

- N/A = Not Avaliable
- Human resources performance reporting is mode in accordance to the reporting framework of the GRI Standard, version 2016
- Human resources performance cover all business unit operations

Human Capital Return on Investment (HCROI)

  Unit 2019 2020 2021 2022
a) Total Revenue THB 571,110,057,763 546,589,995,663 587,529,718,793 852,605,218,842
b) Total Operatng Expenses  THB 111,562,064,680 107,585,197,880 116,866,861,572 165,413,878,985
c) Total Employee-Related Expenses (Salaries+Benefits) THB 38,502,000,000 37,088,000,000 41,841,000,000 61,862,000,000
Resulting HCROI Equal 12.94 12.83 12.25 12.11

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