Human Rights

Human Rights and Labor Practices

Key Performance in 2023

Rights and Liberties Protection Department (Ministry of Justice) awarded CPRAM as a model company on human rights in 2O22 for 3rd consecutively year in an outstanding level in the large business category

CP Axtra, the leading wholesale business with the trademark “Makro,” has been awarded the prestigious international accolade, “HR Asia Best Companies to Work for in Asia 2O23.” This marks the fourth consecutive year that the company has been recognized as the most desirable workplace in Asia. Additionally, its retail subsidiary, “Lotus’s,” has secured this honor for the third consecutive year. These recognitions come from HR Asia magazine, a prominent media in human resource management, widely acknowledged in the Asian region


of employees at the management level and above of the CP All Group receive knowledge. and pass the examination to measure knowledge and understanding of the course "Human Rights with the Business Sector"


of employees at all levels of CP All Group received training and passed the "Human Rights" course knowledge test


of critical tier-1 suppliers received training and underwent risk assessment on human rights


of new store partners (Business Partners) have undergone training on human rights


of the target areas have been certified with ISO 45OO1: 2O18

Key Progress in 2023

CPRAM Company Limited participated in the Human Rights Awards Competition in 2O23

Monitored and evaluated the implementation of the organization's existing risk control measures regarding human rights

Conducted a Human Rights Impact Assessment (HRIA) through the Human Rights Due Diligence Process (HRDD)

Organized activities to promote respect for and compliance with international human rights standards for employees at all levels in CP ALL Group

Conducted continuous activities to promote workplace safety, occupational health, and environmental conditions for all employees in CP ALL Group

Expanded the scope of creating human rights awareness to tier-1 suppliers and key stakeholders

Significantly Affected Key Stakeholders

Supporting the SDGs

SDG 3 Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages

3.4 Reduce premature death from non-communicable diseases through prevention, treatment, and support for mental health and well-being
3.6 Reduce deaths and injuries due to road accidents

SDG 5 Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls

5.1 End discrimination against women and girls everywhere

SDG 8 Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all

8.5 Achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
8.8 Protect labour rights and promote safe and secure working environments for all workers, including migrant workers, in particular women migrants, and those in precarious employment

SDG 10 Reduce inequality within and among countries

10.3 Ensure equal opportunity and reduce inequalities of outcome, including by eliminating discriminatory laws, policies and practices and promoting appropriate legislation, policies and action in this regard

SDG 16 Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels

16.3 Promote the rule of law at the national and international levels, and ensure equal access to justice for all

Performance Against Goal

2O3O Goal


The Company has continuously conducted Human Rights Impact Assessment following United Nations Guidelines, of its operations and suppliers with high sustainability risks

Progress against goals

Performance Summary 2023

Human Rights Assessment

The Company’s operation area and business activities

of FTEs are assessed for human rights risks and impacts

of FTEs have significant human rights risks

of FTEs identified as at risk have mitigation measures in place, and corrective actions are taken

Salient issues

The safety and health of employees in 7-Eleven stores and 24shopping

Work-related accidents, such as accidents from delivery of goods, slipping or falling from stairs, items falling from a height, accidents from a forklift crash, and knife-related accident

Issues with inappropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as safety shoes, workwear, temperature control room workwear, etc

The company’s Tier-1 suppliers


completed risks assessments


identified to be at risk


identified to be at risk and has impact mitigation measures

Awareness on Respecting and Complying with Human Rights Principles


of employees have been trained

of store partners (business partners) has been trained

of the Company’s Tier-1 Suppliers has been trained

Grievances on Human Rights Violations


Human Rights Violations




Harassment or Sexual Assault


Violations of Indigenous Rights

Mitigation measures and corrective actions

CP ALL Public Company Limited guarantees that appropriate corrective action will be taken. In cases of human rights violations, monitoring, inspection, planning preventive measures, mitigation, and continuous reporting are conducted. Additionally, compensation and remediation are considered and provided in various forms to ensure that affected rights-holders receive appropriate reparation. These actions aim to alleviate the impact of human rights violations, providing affected individuals with suitable or improved conditions. Examples of actions in place are apologizing, restitution, rehabilitation, compensation in the form of monetary or non-monetary measures, punishment, and prevention of harm, such as a prohibition order or a guarantee of no recurrence

Promoting equal opportunities and diversity for employees

Gender Diversity

  Total (Persons) FTEs (%)
 Remark: FTEs is Full Time Equivalent

Age Diversity

  Number (person) % of FTEs
Under 3O years old
3O-5O years old
Over 5O years old

Nationality Diversity

  Share in total workforce (%) Share in all management positions (%)

Capability Building of Female Employees

People with Disability

Number  1215  
FTEs  0.70

Freedom of Association

The Welfare Committee of the Company’s workforce

Risks and Opportunities

Business and human rights are issues that receive continuous global attention because the workforce is considered a crucial pillar in developing the sustainable operational capabilities of every organization in the business sector. In each business activity, such as raw material sourcing, production processes, transportation, and services, there is a risk of human rights violations, as well as compliance with labor-related regulations and laws. This has led organizations worldwide to operate under the principles outlined in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), issued in 2011. These principles aim to demonstrate accountability for human rights and promote equal treatment, safety, and a good environment in the workplace. Additionally, they include initiatives to promote good health for employees and suppliers.

Therefore, the Company stipulates regular reviews and assessments of human rights risks, and the process of monitoring human rights in a comprehensive manner on a regular basis. This includes setting an operation framework in alignment with the international human rights protection principles and the country’s laws. This is to prevent any human rights violations throughout the value chain due to the organization's management approach towards all stakeholders.

Management Approach

The Company established and operated in accordance with policies on human rights and labor practices, encompassing all areas of business operations, including suppliers and business partners—which are in accordance with the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP) and International Labor Organization (ILO) This includes the labor laws of each country where the company conducts business, encompassing significant human rights issues. such as child labor, forced labor, discrimination, harassment, etc.

In this regard, the Company has a process to assess important issues, impacts, and human rights risks on a regular basis every 3 years in all areas of business activities, encompassing workflow analysis (Full time equivalent: FTE), especially for units with risks. The Company also established integrated preventive measures and mitigated the impact of high-risk issues through the human rights process. The details are as follows:

Human Rights Due Diligence: HRDD

Human Rights Risk Assessment

Human Right Impact Assessment: HRIA

The Company aims to raise awareness of and promote compliance with international human rights principles among employees at all levels., business partners, and level 1 key suppliers through various projects. The Company pushes for equality in the cost of living and employment in accordance with the policy and principles of compensation and benefits. This includes assessing the livelihood of employees and Tier-1 suppliers. Other topics revised are salary and benefits for employees and business partners (Store partners) to receive equal and fair compensation. The Company aims to expand the target to cover 100% of employees by 2025.

There are plans to extend the assessment to suppliers Furthermore, the Company assesses risks related to safety, occupational health, and environmental conditions in the workplace, covering all the Company’s operational areas. This also involves implementing various projects to support and promote well-being for employees and their families through different initiatives, support for the education of employees' children, and employees' health care. Employees are also provided with the option to choose healthcare benefits for their parents, spouses, or children (IPD), flexible working arrangements, among other benefits.

Human Rights Due Diligence Process

The Company conducted human rights audits, and efficient human rights audit periodically every 3 years. To identify key issues and rights holders affected, covering all operational areas and all business activities of the Company, including business partners, suppliers, contractors, joint ventures, and Mergers and Acquisitions. The Company considers important human rights issues that are likely to be relevant to its business operations, including forced labor, human trafficking, child labor, right and freedom of association, right to collective bargaining, equal remuneration, discrimination, sexual harassment, and other forms of harassment. Other issues include security, environment, and customer rights, encompassing stakeholders who are at risk of human rights violations-such as employees, communities and locals, business partners, suppliers, contractors, customers, and consumers. And vulnerable groups such as women, children, indigenous people, migrant workers, third-party contracted workers, people with disabilities, elderly people, and LGBTQ+. The Company listens to issues from relevant stakeholders to ensure the prevention of human rights violations in the Company's business operations.

Policy Commitment




Human Right Policy

Assessing Impact


Intergrating and Acting


  • Identify existing and potential human rights risks in the business operations
  • Identify concerned parties that may be affected by human rights violations, including those belonging to vulnerable groups, such as women and children, migrant workers, people with disabilities, and elderly people
  • Human right risk assessment
  • Human right impact assessment

Tracking Performance


Communicating Performance


  • Design preventative and mitigation measures pertaining to human rights risks
  • Implement initial measures with relevant functions
  • Result monitoring and process reviews

Stakeholder Engagement


Engage with various stakeholders. both internal and external consisting of employees, community. public agencies, civil organizations. The aim is to communicate the Company's human rights performance

Remediation and Grievance Mechanism


  • Remediation for impacted Individuals, pertaining to human right violation
  • Setting a grievance mechanism for human rights grievance

Human Rights Risks Assesment

The Company conducted Human Rights Risk Assessment (HRRA) periodically every 3 years to assess the risk of human rights violations throughout the value chain by identifying the key issues and the affected rights holders. Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) encompasses 8 main business groups by 100% of the business area and accounted for 100% of business activities, which consists of 4 activities: Employees Practice, Community Rights, Customer Rights, Supplier & Contractor Rights.

From the recent review and assessment of human rights risks in 2022 to evaluate past risk issues, current risk issues, and risks that are likely to occur in the future. These encompass the rights of employees, suppliers and contractors, community rights, and customer or consumer rights, as well as Working Conditions, Occupational Safety and Health, Discrimination and Harassment, Illegal Labor Used, Standard of Living, and Data Privacy. The Company found risks in Salient Human Rights Issues in the retail business, 7-Eleven convenience stores, and 24shopping, which include 1) issues on accident during operation and 2) inappropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) issues. In addition, the Company conducted human rights risk assessments for all level 1 key suppliers, covering 2,242 suppliers. Examples of significant human rights risks are in the areas of monitoring the operational environment, training on safety in the workplace, an inspection of the condition of the equipment in operation, and equipment related to emergency response, including fire drills, among others. The Company encourages suppliers who detect risk issues to develop comprehensive preventive and remedial guidelines for human rights issues. The recommendation is for all high-risk critical tier-1 suppliers.

In case of human rights violations, the Company has a continuous monitoring, auditing, and reporting process. The process is under integrated measures to prevent and reduce human right impacts of high-risk issues. This ensures that rights-holders affected by human rights violations receive appropriate compensation and remedy, as well as alleviating the impact to ensure they are in suitable or improved conditions .Examples are apologies, restitution, rehabilitation, and compensation in the form of monetary or non-monetary forms. Other corrective actions are punishment and prevention of harm, such as a prohibition order or a guarantee against recurrence.

Employee Practices Community Practices Customer Practices Supplier and Contractor Practices
  • Working Condition
  • Health and Safety
  • Discrimination and Harassment
  • Illegal of Labor used
  • Freedom of Association and Right to Collective Bargaining
  • Health and Safety
  • Standard of Living
  • Health and Safety
  • Discrimination
  • Data Privacy
  • Working Condition
  • Health and Safety
  • Discrimination
  • Legal of Labor used

Human Rights Impact Assessment

After completing the human rights risk assessment process, the Company stipulates the Human Rights Impact Assessment on those affected by actions in the areas of risk that require proactive management. This is achieved through data collection and surveys of stakeholders, encompassing all employees across all areas with Salient Issues and high risk that require proactive management. The assessment is divided into four main groups: 1. Operations at 7-Eleven stores, 2. CP ALL distribution centers, 3. 24Shopping distribution centers, and 4. CP Ram’s manufacturing and logistics operations. Upon identifying impacts, measures to mitigate them are implemented, along with efforts to communicate equal treatment according to human rights principles within the organization through infographic communication, advocacy campaigns, and senior management communication via newsletters to all employees across the organization.

Integrated human rights prevention and mitigation measures for high-risk issues Under the scope of responsibility of the Company’s Store Partners (business partners)

Right Holders High Risks Issues Preventive measures and impact mitigation Integrative measures
Employees at 7-Eleven stores and 24shopping Safety and Health
  • Work-related accidents, such as accidents from delivery of goods, slipping or falling from stairs, items falling from a height, accidents from a forklift crash, and knife-related accident
  • Issues with inappropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), such as safety shoes, workwear, temperature control room workwear, etc
  • Safety Manual
  • Conduct an operational safety analysis
  • ISO 45OO1 / TIS 18OO1Certification
  • Occupational health and safety training for employees
  • Road safety training for employees
  • Provide personal protective equipment and tools for employees
  • Monthly personal protective equipment checks by the Committee on Safety, Occupational Safety, and Environment (OSH&E) in the workplace and routine check every time before use by the line manager
  • For employees working in temperature-controlled rooms, the Company provides thick workwear and vitamins for nourishment. A period is set for employees to adjust their body temperature before leaving the work area
  • Corporate policies (such as Policy in Safety, Occupational Safety, and Environment in the workplace, and human rights policy)
  • Workplace guidelines
  • Committee in Safety, Occupational Safety, and Environment (OSH&E) in the workplace
  • Announcement of automotive safety operational goals
  • Operation standards

Creating awareness on human rights

The Course “Human Rights and the Business Sector”

The Company organized a training course on "Human Rights and the Business Sector" for management-level employee in the CP ALL Group and its subsidiaries to raise awareness and promoted appropriate human rights practices, including preventing human rights violations both within and outside the organization. The course covers important human rights topics

International Standards on Respecting Human Rights

Human Rights Risk Assessment

Preventive Guidelines on Human Rights Violations

Organizational Culture and Respect for Human Rights

In 2023, there were 181,108 training participants. A plan was developed to increase the scope of this awareness-raising, this aims to ensure full understanding among all employees and operational areas, including store partners (business partners) through an online platform, the goal of a completion rate of 100% by 2025

Communication on “Human Rights within the Company and Subsidiaries”

The Company communicated the policies, regulations regarding work ethics, business ethics, and workplace codes of conduct to all employees at every level, ensuring their understanding and compliance. This is done to promote adherence to policies and regulations, as well as to prevent human rights violations within the organization. Communication takes various forms, including:
- Creating collaboration records to promote mutual cooperation and nondiscriminatory practices
- Communicating policies and penalties through Infographics
- Conducting in-person campaigns and communication activities to encourage respectful interactions. This is in accordance with company regulations

Fair Labor Practices

The company commits to respecting the labor rights of employees and fair practices to comply with laws and policies under Thailand and International Labor Protection Act through appropriate employment, wages, working hours, holidays, and benefits. Measures also include a safe workplace and a good environment. The Company promotes welfare for employees, as follows:

Welfare Rights according to the law Rights the Company set for Employees
Maternity leaves for female employees
Public Holiday No fewer than
Annual personal leave No fewer than
Business leaves
Paternity leaves with wages for male employees in case of a new-born child 0  
Personal care leave to create balance in life, work, and personal life, such as making contributions to the community according to the employee's interests, caring for sick family members or have physical and mental conditions, and leaving on employees’ own birthday -
paid leave and not counting the holidays during the leave period
Part-time working options for full-time employees for employees at the officer level and managerial level - During employee holidays only
(minimum 4 hours per day)

The Company offers various welfare benefits to employees and provides support covering all key areas of the Company. The objective is to enhance holistic well-being for employees while working with the Company, such as emergency loan benefits from financial institutions with special interest rates, housing rental subsidy, subsidy in case of working in a provincial office (hardship allowance), as well as welfare security for life, such as provident funds, life insurance for disease and accident, group health insurance that provides protection for employees and their families, welfare on emergency loans for employees and their families, and financial assistance in the event of disasters. Other welfare includes health services (CP ALL Health Care Center) and a fitness center for employees (The Tara fitness Club) with a trainer who is an expert in a variety of disciplines. There are other projects, such as the Exercise My Way project and health measurement service by pharmacists with modern equipment—with the objective of promoting employees’ health.

Notes: Important areas in the implementation of support encompassing employees working in the office area, distribution center area, and operating areas of 7-Eleven stores.

Freedom of Association

The Company facilitates freedom of expression of opinions and channels for individuals to inform their concerns through a variety of channels such as electronic mail, information center, Company's online media, bell ringing, and Voice of Employee system, as well as through the Welfare Committee in the workplace, established under the Labor Protection Act 1998. At present, there are 2,397 employees representing the Welfare Committee or 100% of all employees. A meeting is organized every quarter for discussion. In 2023, additional recommendations approved were as follows:

1. Education loan welfare program for employees' children

2. Medical expenses project for employees’ parents in inpatient cases (IPD)

3. Add a shuttle bus to Rangsit and Bang Yai routes for employees

Promoting equal opportunity and employee diversity

The Company commits to treating all employees equally and to respect the diversity of individuals on the basis of nondiscrimination of race, religion, gender, the color of one’s skin, language, age, and those with disabilities. The Company encourages and considers all employees in the employment process—for them to get an opportunity to develop their potential and career advancement equally. Supporting career development by hiring individuals with disabilities, the Company has been consistently advocating for employee rights. In 2023, various seminars and workshops were conducted to educate and promote awareness on topics aligned with global social trends such as "Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion." During Pride Month, activities were organized specifically for the LGBTQ+ community to foster support for diversity and gender equality, as well as supporting all sectors and agencies in reducing inequality and truly creating opportunities. This extends to encouraging all groups of employees to show their full potential, internally and externally, to expand into the development of suitable products and services via an understanding of people’s diverse needs. Expected consequences are non-discrimination and absence of all forms of threats in business operations.

Living Wage

Due to employees being a crucial pillar in driving business success, the Company prioritizes their welfare above all else, ensuring they receive adequate care. It is mandatory that the Company’s employees shall receive proper care, welfare, training, and other rewards and experience a good atmosphere at work and a safe workplace. The Company ensures that all employees are paid fair wages. The Company, therefore, has established a policy and principle on compensation and benefits. Employees and business partners (Store partners) salaries and benefits are regularly reassessed to be competitive in the same industry group, Additionally, the Company provides financial support and compensation that exceeds legal minimum wage requirements, along with additional allowances for expenses other additional allowances, such as overtime payments, transportation allowances, special allowances, housing rental support, food subsidies, and performance incentive payments. to ensure that the Company fairly pays wages and other benefits, The Company also conducts evaluations of compensation and benefits the Company analyses wages annually by participating in a wages and benefits survey program led by leading global consultancy organizations, the Korn Ferry Hay Group and Mercer. The Company has also arranged to assess the impact of changing costs of living and other employment considerations in business operations. The Company has a target to fully assess the living wage of 100% of its employees within 2025 and putting in place plans to increase this analysis to critical tier-1 suppliers and contractors in the future.

Related policies and Guideline

Human Rights PolicyDownload
Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessment MethodologyDownload

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